congress about solidarity economy in vienna, february 2009


20.-22. Febr. 2009
Vienna, 1180 Peter-Jordan-Straße 82, Boku

Everybody is invited to arrange workshops, open group discussions, films, performances, etc.

We´d like to suggest to use participative formats rather than frontal lectures.

Alongside a very agile globalization-critical movement many different projects of a solidarity economy gain importance. Our hope regards the strengthening and interlinking of all iniatives which combine critical theory and practical projects. They all seek collective ways aiming at sociopolitical, ecological and cultural change.

2006 a congress took place in Berlin titled by the question `How to we want to act economically´. Instead of the expected 500, 1400 people came. Starting from that congress we formulate our aims:
- Pointing out projects on a local, regional and global level
- Make the term `Solidarity economy´ well known
- Exchange, dealing with and interlinking in theory and practical experience
- Motivate to get active in that sense

The range of solidarity economy should be widely applied – respective a solidarity as mutual support and an economy, which orientates itself at human needs and not the other way round. We do want not to narrow down the idea `solidarity economy´ in order to give enough space to the very different concepts and approaches and making controversial discussions possible. Here it is the critics of the genderrelations, of the boundary-regimes, capitalism and/or destruction of the natural environment and also to get a selfreflexive perspective upon solidarity projects, for instance:

selfmanaged rooms and companies, old and new cooperatives, alternative forms of habitation, appropriation of rooms and ressources, communes, companies with social targets, initiatives for right of residence, barter rings, reginal currencies, spaces for women and feminism projects, free of charge shops, alternative institutions of financing, fair trade, solidarian and crosscultural gardens, public couisine, agricultural selfmarketing, ecovillages, OpenSource, alternative learning institutes, knowledge sharing, basic income, and much more of this kind.


Our consens applies to egalitarian, participative and non hierarchical forms and principles of the solidarity economy, which we also want to live in preparation and in the progression of the congress.

The outcome is the following congress shedule:
- equivalent units, where all can offer their contents
- for spontanious ideas of presentation and continuative discussions there will be also organized rooms.

Please give notice of Your concept with title, short description, time preference, possibility to get in contact with You on our homepage or per mail, so that we can fix a shedule. Look at the homepage and use the possibility to get in contact with others, who possibly have a the same or a simliar subject.

Translations by whispering should be organised during the discussions spontaneously . If You needed or offered translations in other languages, please give us notice.

There will be a solidarity fonds to refund travel expenses as far as possible. Further there will be set up a list of offers for free accomodation. To make a participation possible for all people who are interested, there is an optional solidary contribution.

We would be glad, if You - with Your experience and your knowledge – would like to take part in the preparation process as much as in interlinking and issue related exchange. Fixed dates of our meetings are to find on our homepage.


Friday 20.02.2009
11.00 - 14.00 check in and application
00 - 15.30 opening up plenum
00 - 17.30 parallel presentations
18.00 - 19.30 parallel presentations
00 beginning evening program

Saturday 21.02.2009
10 00 - 11 30 plenum
12 00 - 13 30 parallel presentations
16 00 - 17 30 parallel presentations
18 00 - 19 30 parallel presentations
21 00 beginning evening program

Sunday 22.02. 2009
11 00 - 12 30 parallel presentations
13 00 - 15 00 conclusion plenum

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